The bell can’t be unrung

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Trump’s status has now shifted, he is no longer just a controversial figure, but a convicted felon. This is a significant moment, one that many of us have been waiting for. We waited for such a very long time. But now that day is here. The bell can not be unrung. Donald Trump is a CRIMINAL.

As a convicted felon, Donald Trump now faces certain legal restrictions that most people in America do not. These restrictions, imposed by the law, limit his rights and opportunities in various aspects of his miserable life The Independent did an amusing article listing all the occupations that Trump will now never be allowed to work in.

Not that Trump ever really has done any “work.” Perhaps when sent to prison, he will. I could see him in the laundry,, for example Anyway –Trump now cannot:

Be a bartender in Florida.

Cannot possesses a firearm in the ANY state.

He’d have to receive permission if he wanted his real estate license in New York.

In some states, he can’t:

Work in a casino.

Work in any health care setting.

Work in pest control in some states, like North Carolina. (I’ll admit I was a bit vexed by that one.)

Back to Florida. He can’t tend bar OR be a firefighter. So many things he can’t do. Yet he can still be President, which is rather ridiculous on its face. But he won’t be. He will not be because we, the American people and friends of democracy, will not let him be. I do hope he gets laundry detail in prison.

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