Donald Trump’s blood sugar problem

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The problem with Envy is that it is VERY difficult to hide. Take Donald Trump for example. We know that the cognitively impaired convicted felon has always been envious of former President Obama. Trump’s envy of Obama was and is out in the world for all to see. It’s always been.

Trump started that rumor about Obama’s birth certificate. I think Trump envied- very profoundly- just about everything about the languid golden sun, which is Barack Obama. But if Obama is the sun, Trump is the dark cloud of malcontent, constantly who constantly fumed at Obama, trying to dim his golden light, lying, and wailing.

Now he is doing it once again, but THIS time, readers and friends, that which Donald Trump covets and envies is the fantastic job President Biden is doing. On Saturday, the felon lost his mind on Truth social, seemingly infuriated by the news that President Biden lowered the price of insulin.

It stands as one of Biden’s most significant accomplishments. Perhaps that is why Donald Trump tried to steal the sunlight and take credit for this lowering:

“Low INSULIN PRICING was gotten by millions of Americans by me.”

“Not by crooked Joe Biden.”

“He has NOTHING to do with it.”

“It was all done long before”‘

“All he does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case me.”

Witness this statement and commit it to memory. Why? If you are EVER asked to provide an example of gushing, toxic envy, this statement, in all its jealous, non-glory, is the perfect example.

As I’ve said before, we know what Trump is saying by interpreting his words and using the alternative, as well as by inserting his name. Trump has nothing to do with lowering insulin prices. “All Trump does is try to take credit for things done by others, in this case President Biden.”

People who live their lives wrapped in envy are doomed never to have a moment’s peace. That is particularly true of malignant narcissists who cannot STAND it when other people accomplish that which they failed at.

Donald Trump, besides being a convicted felon, has the dubious honor of being the worst president this country has ever had, surpassing ALL others, loving. honoring, and obeying Vladimir Putin in sickness and hate, forsaking America until voting did they part.

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