Donald Trump’s cognitive collapse reaches a whole new level

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I want to congratulate convicted felon Donald John Trump for going bonkers and setting a record. That record is — how big a fool can one make of themselves in just five minutes? Trump has won! He has managed, dear readers, in a mere five minutes to show the world: His cognitive decline has sprouted wings.

He has no idea what he’s talking about. Shown the world a new interest as the convicted felon is now contemplating monsters and zombies. It happened early in the morning, on Friday, before 6:30 a.m.

As usual, the traitor seems to have slept little—no rest for the wicked, I suppose. In a mere few minutes, Trump fired off twelve posts, all about — well — nothing important. Here are a few things our felon talked about:

– Reposting a “Trump won” declaration from a conservative Christian singer who is reported to be a rabid trump fan/whose new single is called “The Chosen One.” (Chosen scum is how this writer would put it.)

– Screaming about how his due process rights were violated.

– Flattering A Russian fighter calling him a “deep thinker.”

At some point, Trump took a short break– then returned, slower smaller, and stupider than ever before.

Trump then quoted Elie Honig, saying his case was both “the zombie case” and the Frankenstein case.” It was a meltdown to end all meltdowns. Imagine just how empty the indicted felon’s life must be as he seemingly has NOTHING ELSE TO DO except make empty and stupid comments on dying social networking sites the majority of Americans aren’t even aware exists.

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