RNC loses major sponsor

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Convicted felon Donald Trump is expected to accept his party’s nomination at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Well — will be either there or at Rikers, depending on how his criminal sentencing goes.

Indeed, the GOP convention is set to take place in the dairy state. However, a twist of fate has delivered some unexpected and unfavorable news about said convention. The retail giant Kohl’s is nearby. Some of you may shop there. I have shopped there. This retail giant has made quite the significant move, as they announced they will not sponsor ANY GOP events in Milwaukee, their hometown.

“Opting out.” Kohl’s, a retailer I plan to support even MORE now that I have heard THIS news, has made it clear that they will not sponsor any GOP events in Milwaukee.

It shouldn’t be long until we hear from certain Republicans that Kohl’s is part of the deep state. George Conway celebrated Kohl’s decision writing on Twitter: “Good for Kohl’s. No self-respecting business should support the cultish and mendacious idolation of a depraved sociopath and convicted felon.” Don’t hold back. George Tell us how you REALLY feel.

This is excellent news. It is a refreshing change to see significant corporations take bold and audacious steps like this. It does the country good. Plus, one knows MAGA tears are just around the corner on THIS decision, and that should be rather fun to watch as well. Will other companies follow? We will have to see, but a massive shout out of thanks to Kohl’s for doing the right thing.

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