Senile Donald Trump has no idea what year it is

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Even as Donald Trump’s newfound status as a convicted felon is incrementally driving down his poll numbers, and even as he awaits a sentencing hearing that could send him to prison, the media is more obsessed than ever with talking about what Trump will do if he somehow magically gets back into power. Specifically, Trump just got asked whether he’ll try to jail his political opponents if he gets back into power.

Trump responded by going on a semi-incoherent rant about Hillary Clinton, though he seemingly couldn’t remember her name. Then once he realized he had no idea what he was trying to say, he said we should ask him again three years from now:

Wait, what? What does three years have to do with it? When does Trump think the election is? What does he think the current year is? This guy is running in an election that takes place five months from now, and he appears to think the election is three years from now. That alone is senile enough to be disqualifying.

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