Senile Donald Trump doesn’t know what state he’s in during disastrous rally speech

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The smartest thing Donald Trump could do in the wake of his felony conviction would be to stay out of the public eye and stay home for awhile. Instead he’s doing the dumbest thing possible by holding rallies and making a point of reminding everyone that he’s a convicted felon – while also reminding everyone that he’s senile.

While attempting to give a rally speech in Arizona today, Trump announced that they were in Texas. Then he started telling a weird story about the Governor of Texas. How does he get that wrong? Why would he be doing a rally in Texas, a state where he’s already going to win? There’s no possible reason for Trump to have thought he was in Texas, other than to deep into dementia to understand why he couldn’t have been in Texas.

Everyone randomly misspeaks once occasionally, and it’s not a sign of anything. But Donald Trump now does it constantly. He gets people confused for each other. He gets places confused for each other. He never seems to know where he’s at or what’s going on or why he’s there. He already thinks Biden is Obama and Haley is Pelosi. Now he’s so far gone he thinks Arizona is Texas.

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