Trump supporters arrested outside Trump Tower

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Donald Trump’s supporters – tired, worn out, and cowardly – mostly stayed away from his criminal trial and all the security that came with it. But now some of Trump’s goons are trying to see what they can get away with by protesting outside Trump Tower. It’s going quite poorly for them.

The NYPD reportedly told the pro-Trump protesters that they had to remain on the sidewalk. But instead the protesters unfurled a giant banner in the street, which prompted the police to arrest them. In response, other pro-Trump protesters began chanting “Let them go!”

So now we’re at the point in the collapse of Trumpism that they’ve gone from chanting “Lock her up” about their political opponents, to chanting “Let them go” about their own people. It’s funny how Trumpers and right wingers only seem to care about law and order when it’s other people they want punished.

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