GOP hits panic button over Trump collapse

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The evening sky—the night sky—is millions of glowing stars, it is the moon as it casts its glow across the blue-black of the night’s portrait, all of this creating a brilliant canvas, waiting for artists such as us to paint our stories upon it. Sketching in the colors of the canvass is a job for the American people. Our canvas shines with the desire to make this world, this country, as magnificent a place as possible.

The GOP’s canvas would stay blank—the stars will continue to not shine upon it, nor the moon. The GOP’s portrait would be an inky color, without hue, a bleak, sooty canvas filled with revenge. This, dear readers, is what the GOP is now all about. Vengeance. That’s ALL they’re talking about.

In the wake of Donald Trump’s felony convictions, it isn’t just the Donald who is speaking of revenge—it is the party itself. Or what’s left of it. The squirming remains of the infestation that is the GOP has dropped all pretense of behaving with any sense of normality.

Allow me to give you some examples of the festering blight that the GOP has become. Utah Senator Mike Lee, along with some other senators (eight of them), released a statement saying the Biden administration has made justice “a mockery.”

In response, they pledge vengeance — they want to block confirmation of Biden’s judicial and political nominees. Floridian fool Byron Donalds has also expressed a desire for revenge as well as endorsing slavery, saying it was “an economic boom.”

Soon to be in prison, Steve Bannon called for republican lawyers to make a name for themselves by prosecuting Democrats. Marco Rubio called President Biden “demented” and urged republicans to “fight fire with fire,” whatever the hell that means.

Oh, there are more — so many more. The GOP is walking into a trap — OUR trap. You see, dear readers, revenge is not what the American people care about. They want results. They want to see our country continue to grow, bloom, and flourish.

Why would they want a bunch of insane cult members screaming about revenge? Were there a canvas in the luminous and beautiful night sky for the American people, its brilliance would outshine almost anything.

It would show hard-working families and their children laughing and working hard to put food on the table. This canvas would show beauty — of green meadows and streets; of climate-friendly ideas; it would show — it would show — love.

Love for ALL the people, the black and the brown and the golden and the LGBTQ and the women and the readers and writers and artists. It would shine down vibrantly on parents, teachers, libraries, and affordable health care. That beauty is you, me, and our great family of the United States.

Revenge? Republicans are helping us win. They are helping us, and they do not even know it. The fools! The fools who do not dare to shine for all that gleams from them is hate, hate, and more hate.

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