Oh good, the senile idiot is holding another rally…

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After Donald Trump was criminally convicted, I wrote that the best thing he could do for himself was to disappear for awhile. His best bet would be to get himself out of the headlines and perhaps get people to forget that he’s a felon. The worst thing he could do is go out in public and angrily rant about his conviction, because that would remind the general public that he’s a felon and that he’s senile.

Fortunately, Trump is now doing the worst thing he could do for himself: he’s holding a rally in Las Vegas this weekend. Under normal circumstances, this would be a logical move. President Biden only won it by a few points in 2020, which means it’s potentially in play. But there’s nothing normal about a recently convicted felon taking the stage and having an angry meltdown while forgetting what he’s trying to say and threatening to take off his pants.

So if Donald Trump wants to hold a rally this weekend, that’s fantastic. Let him go out there and keep reminding everyone of his felony conviction by endlessly ranting about it. And in the process let him keep reminding everyone that he’s too senile to know where he’s even at. Whatever gets the job done.

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