The one question that could finish off Donald Trump

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I’ve occasionally, in my works, remarked on specific questions, questions some in the media are not asking enough. This article relates more to the moderators of the upcoming debate between President Joe Biden and convicted felon Donald Trump.

Now, I remain convinced that Trump will not show up. However, if he DOES show up, a question must be asked. This question is blazing lightning in a bottle, as asking it would cause Donald Trump to melt down.

And, after all, is that not what we want to see? Donald Trump, if he shows up on this date, will have the eyes of millions on him, so it stands to reason we’d like to bring out his most repulsive behavior possible.

Not just that, though. We want the millions of eyes trained on him to see the sparkling madness, the lunacy, and the crumbling mental cognitive skills. There is a question, my friends, that I believe would show the American people once and for all what Donald Trump is.

I want to see this question asked in one form or another: “Mr. Trump, you seem positive that a vast conspiracy is at work against you. In the past, you have accused many different types of people of engaging in plots against you. These people include:


Bill Barr


The Department of Justice under President Biden.

The Department of Justice under yourself.

All Democratic politicians.

All Democratic voters.

All republican voters who disagree with you on anything.


The judge is in your hush-money criminal case.

The court reporters in both your civil and your criminal cases.

The juries in all your cases.

The Presidential archives.

Social media algorithms.

Former lawyers of yours.

Voting machines.”

Additional add-on:

“The people — the only people you say are NOT against you are:

The January Sixth terrorists.

Judge Cannon

Republicans who suck up to you.”

Of course, my friends, it wouldn’t be put quite like that. But my point is that the man is unhinged and paranoid, and if this question was asked the right way, I am willing to bet he’d lose quite a few voters, as many of those potential voters would see paranoia bloom brightly in front of their very eyes.

Many low-information voters WILL be tuning in, and they do not even know the depths of Trump’s paranoia, which reaches higher than Mount Everest. It is about time they did.

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