Donald Trump reaches his breaking point

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Donald Trump is afraid of going to prison. He is terrified of that possibility. He can’t hide his fear, either. The possibility of being locked up calls to the traitor like a menacing wind on an eerily night. It is waiting to gobble him up.

That might be why Donald Trump went nuts during an interview on Fpx non-news. He said the public might not stand for it if he were to be jailed or even put on house arrest. Pitiful words, spoken by a pitiful traitor who, right now, probably even as he spoke with Fox, could hear the distance early warning of cells clanking shut.

Then Trump said this: “It would be tough for the public to take, you know at a certain point, there’s a breaking point.” This is the stuff of wish fulfillment. It has no basis in reality.

The public, in reality, is just peachy with an imprisoned Donnie. Why do I know this? Let’s look at the facts. Nobody, and I do mean NOBODY, came out to protest when Donnie was found guilty. Nobody came then. Nobody will go now.

We’ll have a few washed-up pundits like Megyn Kelly screaming about the unfairness of it all. We’ll have little ass-kissing republicans like Ted Cruz feigning indignation. (You do know that behind their righteous faces, many of these ‘defenders” hate Donald and are probably doing mental cartwheels of delight.) They just can’t say it.)

Yes, a few scraggly MAGA might issue threats and act like babies., something they do with fluent ease. But that is ALL that will happen. There is no mythical band of soldiers coming to save you, Donnie dearest. You’re completely on your own.

Donald Trump’s fear is omnipresent, or else he’d never be speaking like this. He doesn’t WANT to be locked up, whether it be in a prison cage or his own home. But if he continues saying crap like this, chances are his worst nightmare will perhaps come true.

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