Rudy Giuliani has a whole new set of problems

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anIf circling the drain were an Olympic event, Rudy Giuliani would be a favorite for a gold medal. The life of the man who Time magazine honored as Person of the Year in 2001 continues to unravel as Giuliani keep a tight embrace of Donald Trump’s conspiracy theories. New developments not only add to Giuliani’s mounting financial, legal, and reputational troubles, but they reveal Giuliani as his own worst enemy.

Once respected by many for his career as a federal prosecutor, Giuliani is now a step closer to losing his law license in the nation’s capital. The D.C. Bar’s Board on Professional Responsibility on Friday recommended that Giuliani be disbarred, agreeing with a smaller committee’s ruling nearly a year ago. That committee lambasted Giuliani for helping “destabilize our democracy” with “malicious and meritless claims.” Next up is for the D.C. Court of Appeals to decide if Giuliani should be barred from practicing law in that jurisdiction. A New York court suspended Giuliani’s law license for similar reasons in 2021.

A new NBC analysis summarizes Giuliani’s current pathetic situation perfectly. In addition to legal and financial repercussions for challenging the 2020 election, Giuliani now faces criminal charges in multiple states, his attorneys have not only quit but sued him for nonpayment, and he filed for bankruptcy late last year after a nearly $150 million defamation judgment. To top it off, Giuliani has “lost lucrative gigs and hawked odd merchandise to make money.”

Adding even further to his woes, Giuliani’s creditors have now asked the bankruptcy court for an “immediate appointment of a trustee” to handle Giuliani’s affairs, claiming rampant deception. Giuliani was funneling money into his businesses to shield it from creditors, undervalued jewelry, and refused to disclose what several pricey Apple and Amazon purchases were for, according to a report from The Guardian. As the filing details, Giuliani “has taken no serious steps to rein in his own exorbitant spending or reduce the costs associated with his extravagant lifestyle.”

Once lauded as “America’s Mayor,” Giuliani is now reduced to a sad punchline. It’s a reminder of how outspoken support of Trump and his dangerous lies is not the road to rewards and riches that many of his toadies have thought. On the contrary, Giuliani’s unabashed embrace of Trumpism is the reason why he’s spending his golden years circling the drain as if he’s training for the Olympics.

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