Donald Trump has senile meltdown about “the N-word”

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When Donald Trump was found guilty last week, it drowned out another story that had surfaced just hours earlier: the revelation that Trump allegedly used the N-word to refer to a Black contestant on the Apprentice.

Trump got lucky in a way that the two storylines landed at the same time. But he’s clearly defensive about the whole thing, as evidenced by an unaired moment from his Fox News interview where he feebly tried to change the meaning of the “N-word” to mean nuclear:


Come on, is anybody really buying this crap? Is this where we’re at now? Trump thinks he can go out and suggest that the “N-word” refers to nuclear weapons, and that it’ll somehow distract everyone from a story about him having used the actual N-word? The real story here is that Fox News edited this out of the interview, because even Fox understands just how senile of a moment this was.

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