Donald Trump has reached the begging stage of his collapse

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Donald Trump has not had an easy time lately. In fact, since the verdict — guilty on all counts came in — Trump’s been staggering around, looking like an out-of-control washing machine, spin cycle whirling about frantically with nothing inside it except mist — cognitively impaired mist — lots and lots of cognitively impaired mist.

This may be why Donald Trump once again lost what little is left of his brain and went bonkers on truth social, demanding the Supreme Court step in immediately and reverse the verdict. “The United States Supreme court must decide,” a panicky Trump hysterically posted on Truth social.

Now, the extreme court is entirely corrupt.. But they’re not going to touch this stinker with a ten-foot pole. No way, no how. Trump is on his own with this one, and suffice it to say, he is most definitely not handling things well, and that is putting it mildly.

On social media and message boards, the mood was bright, as happy people everywhere openly mocked the convicted felon:

“But…but..but…I thought he was just fine with going to prison.”

“Please remember to put the words “convicted felon” before any mention of his name.”

Thanks for the reminder. I will do just that.

The jokes about convicted felon Donald J. Trump continued.

“you’re going to jail, you illiterate punk.”

“Donnie Dickhead: you’e not getting out of this one. Signed the American people.”

“willfully ignorant.”

“Hi Don. How’s your day going?”

“said convicted felon ain’t in a position to demand shit.”

No, he isn’t. But one can see, of course, the fear that has started to grip his royal degenerate. However, nothing can help him.

Convicted felon Donald Trump is now a wriggling, groveling worm, trying to find any way through the maze of his criminality. Donnie appears never to have heard that famous expression:
“If you can’t do the time, don’t do the crime,”

Ah, if only he’d listened to those words.

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