GOP in exile

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The word “exile” comes from the old French word essillier.” It means “banish, expel, or drive off.” That is exactly what the GOP appears to be doing regarding the guilty verdicts in Donald Trump’s first but not last criminal case. In the wake of the verdict, the aftermath is not so pretty for the GOP.

They have been attacking the verdict non-stop, further alienating the American people as any talk of doing ANY DAMN THING for America has stopped overnight, not that there was much talk, to begin with Instead, it’s all about the EXILE.

The BBC writes that shortly after the verdict, the writer heard that there was now a “Civil war” within the party. What does that mean? Well, Republicans are threatening not to support ANY of their fellow members who don’t attack the verdict. In short, Republicans are in disarray!

They are filled with loathing, not for the one who CAUSED all this you understand. Not for HIM. On the contrary, the cult has finally fully revealed itself as cult members are turning on fellow cult members threatening political exile if those members don’t show enough support for their leader, Donald Trump. I know. It isn’t good.

“Politically dead.” Republicans do not have time to turn on each other. The election is now pretty close. But the GOP has become, dear readers, one big locked-in group of Trump disciples, dripping with the spoils of devotion — for a leader who has done nothing but spit on their election chances since he rode down that escalator.

This fact does not appear to matter to them. It is interesting, is it not, that so many who are not affected by sociopathy and cult behavior can see it so clearly? We can see the lights going off inside the whole party; we can see their ruination. It is astounding that among ALL of these Trump minions, there does not seem to be one genuinely working brain.

As Plato explained in his allegory of the cave, you must WANT to get into the light to get out of the darkness. They do not. The tragic thing about these calls for exile, is that Republicans are calling for something that has happened and will continue to happen to ALL OF them.

It’s the GOP who has been exiled. They’ve been banished from all mainstream ideas, expelled from mainstream society, and driven away by their own kooky ideas.. The whole party is crumbling into exile, and they do not even see it. It is their loneliest swan song.

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