Slouching tiger, hidden felon

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As if felon Donald John Trump did not have enough bad news! Yes, there is more where that came from. This bad news comes in the form of laughter, whispers and gossip. This laughter is all about — Donald Trump’s cognitive decline.

Donald Trump’s cognitive decline is being noticed not just by a few people, oh no, but by mountains and mountains of humans. It is all some are talking about. Many are saying that Donald Trump did himself no favors during the trial. From falling asleep in court to looking like, as Katie Phang of MSNBC delicately called out, “a weekend at Bernie’s clone,” all who chatter about Trump are now talking about his cognitive state.

What can we say about Trump’s cognitive state? Not much, except that it’s going, going, gone. Many, including Phang, are saying it was a major mistake for Trump to hold that disastrous press conference, which merely succeeded in showing the American people how awful he looks and sounds. Phang said he looked — wait for it… “Old and decrepit.”

You know, readers, there really are some words that simply conjure up the most vivid images. For example, the word fragrant produces images, perhaps, of freshly cut flowers. Decrepit? That, at least for this writer, produces an image of a sallow, tremulous, doddering old fool.

It produces images of a slouching traitor and hidden felon — hidden from rallies by his leash-holders, as Trump, now a decrepit waste of a man continues to amaze the American people with his eye raising behavior.

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