MAGA loons go even further off the deep end after Trump’s conviction

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In the wake of their messiah being found guilty and now being a convicted felon, many in the MAGA universe, as you might expect, are losing their minds. Normally, my friends, this would be nothing to write about. I say this because MAGA is constantly losing their minds about something. Happiness is their enemy, and rage is their soulmate.

Anyway, some of what MAGA is doing is highly disturbing. Allow me to describe it to you. Some are calling for riots—others for lynchings. I’m not kidding. It is sad, is it not, that we share our air and our planet with such human scum?

But share it we do, so I am choosing today to write about these heathens. Many in Maga world wants to dox the jury. They wish to dox the jury simply because the jury did its job. “Find the jurors. All of them,” wrote one psychopath.

It is, my friends, quite sad to write these words. But once again, it should not be surprising. My theory of MAGA is that these people were all damaged goods just waiting for the proper psycho to unwrap them.

So, for years, they stayed on the fringes of society, awash in their own dark and miserable lives. Until one day, the biggest, baddest, f#ing asshole of all came striding in and gave permission for the egg to hatch, spawning so many chickens.

These people ARE chickens and cowards. They say all this from the privacy of their lairs, wherever they may be. But the good news is that MAGA’s numbers continue to drop, as we have seen in many polls. The riots of January 6 seem to be a thing of the past. Think about the lack of protesters when the guilty verdict came down.

So what we are seeing here are the sad, pathetic bones of a cult in its dying days. There is no meat on those bones anymore, just a bit of gristle. That is all Maga is now, and though we must be ever-careful about lone wolf actors, Maga is vanishing in the wind.

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