This guy is just Bonkers McBonkers

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The only people crazier than Trump supporters are Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. supporters He started out as a Democrat and quickly changed to Independent. Then, he tried to become nominee for the Libertarian Party and got very few votes. He seems to be supporting Trump more than he supports himself. Kennedy is a staunch anti-vaxxer, and he’s fond of conspiracy theories. He’s like another arm of Trump, and it makes you wonder why he’s even running. Kennedy also doesn’t seem to be very good at choosing people for his campaign.

Kennedy and his vice-presidential candidate, Nicole Shanahan, are on different pages, and their separate interviews confirm it. Kennedy appeared on the Sage Steele Podcast. When the host asked about abortion, Kennedy said that he would leave it to the states but ultimately said: “we should leave it to each woman.” That statement seems to indicate that he is against restricting abortion. Shanahan appeared on the same podcast in May and said: “My understanding is that he absolutely believes in limits on abortion.” According to CNN, Kennedy supports abortion up to fetal viability or between 23 and 24 weeks as calculated by experts. Shanan supports restrictions after 15 to 18 weeks. Kennedy supports continued aid to Israel to fight Hamas, while Shanan is against it. Are these two not talking? Then, there’s Kennedy’s other hire, Zach Henry.

Henry is a right-wing social media influencer whom Kennedy’s campaign hired in March. He is a big January 6 denier, calling it “Democratic misdirection.” NBC News recently conducted a bit of sleuthing, and it appears that Henry was present at the insurrection, though they claim he never entered the Capitol. It makes sense for Henry to denounce that day since he was part of it. Prior to working with Kennedy’s campaign, Henry worked with Vivek Ramaswamy. Like Kennedy and many other right-wing politicians, Henry embraces conspiracy theories. Given Kennedy’s proclivity for conspiracies and hiring other conspiracy theorists, he’s more right-wing Republican than he is independent, but his latest controversy may do him in before he even gets on enough ballots to run.

Kennedy has come out against the destruction of Confederate monuments. He said it’s “wrong to destroy history” while appearing on a right-wing podcast. NBC News quoted Kennedy: “We need to be able to be sophisticated enough to live with, you know, our ancestors who didn’t agree with us on everything and who did things that are now regarded as immoral or wrong, because they, you know, maybe they had other qualities.” “Other qualities?” Like treating Black people like human chattel and enslaving them? Sorry, Kennedy, but it was just as immoral then as it is now. If that’s the case, then he must also be against the silencing of Black history that right-wingers call “critical race theory.” Anyone thinking of voting for Kennedy needs to stop right now. We have enough nuts in Washington. I used to joke about being a part of the Kennedy clan. I’ve certainly been called crazy, but no one ever meant it in this way.

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