Glaringly stupid

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Why Donald Trump decided to attend the Libertarian Convention was somewhat puzzling. He is already the Republican nominee and cannot be nominee of two parties. It quickly became clear that Trump attended the conference to drum up votes, which he did not accomplish and was instead humiliated. He could hardly speak for the “boos.” Trump is not one who normally opens himself up to humiliation, and a writer for AlterNet hit the proverbial nail on the head: desperate much? Trump is desperately seeking votes because he knows he doesn’t have enough to win the presidency. He was practically begging Libertarians to vote for him, and they just continued to boo. At one point, he said: “Nominate me or at least vote for me, and we will win together.” Not only did Libertarian attendees boo Trump, but AlterNet reported that the crowd at one point chanted “hypocrite” and “no wanna be dictators.”

Does Donald Trump really believe everyone falls for his nonsense? He should never have exposed himself. Perhaps it will turn out to be a life lesson for him, but don’t count on it. He then went on to insult the crowd and the party by saying: “Maybe you don’t want to win…keep getting your 3 percent every four years.” The man is glaringly stupid. If you want to win over voters, insulting their party is certainly not the way to go about it. Also, learning something about a party before you go to pump yourself to them would help. The Libertarian Party is the opposite of Donald Trump’s Republicanism. They believe in small government and individual freedoms, especially marriage equality and abortion rights. AlterNet reported, however, that a new division of the party has taken over-the Mises Caucus-which is closer to MAGA than it is to Libertarianism, and they are the ones who invited Trump to speak. They were already warring with the other side of their party over abortion and omitted it from the agenda.

If Trump can’t figure out why so many despise him, he needs to take a page from Michael Jackson and look at the man in the mirror. He can’t even allow people to enjoy holidays without his ranting. This past Memorial Day was no different. All he does is his “poor me” act while insulting people left and right. He does it because he knows the most ignorant of his followers will take it as a cue to become violent, try to harm someone, or anything else and call themselves “patriots.” They are certainly not patriots; they are braindead followers of an evil, crazy man who has molded his children in his own twisted image, as evidenced by Eric Trump’s “Memorial Day” post. He posted a photo of most of the family (Ivanka and Jared were absent), calling them “the family that gave up everything to save America.” They gave up nothing, but he thinks this important on a day of mourning and honor. Learn to care about someone other than yourselves for a change and learn to respect those who gave their lives for your and everyone else’s freedom.

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