Stupid is as stupid does

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What you’re about to read is typical in the Republican corner of the world. Lauren Boebert recently crowed on social media that she “secured over $51.4 million for the South Bridge.” She bragged about a “great meeting with Glenwood Springs City Councilor and former Mayor Jonathan Godes,” as well as posting: “We have secured over $51.4 million for the South Bridge. Was thrilled to hear about nearly $30 million in costs savings in addition and that my support has helped make this project a reality.” There’s one problem: these funds derived from the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, an initiative of the Biden Administration, which Boebert voted against. Her constituents need to know that President Biden, not Lauren “Bettlejuice” Boebert brought these funds to their area. When you do nothing in Congress, it’s no surprise that you claim work that you not only did not do, but you voted against its passage. People don’t like liars, especially Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg.

Buttigieg took to X to call out Boebert: “Congresswoman, in what way do you believe that your support helped this project?” X also contradicted Boeberg by posting a “community note,” indicating that the money Boebert claimed came from President Biden’s Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act. Boebert had nothing whatsoever to do with that money. Indeed, had enough Republicans voted against it, the money would not exist. If you are one who votes against something, you have no right to claim the benefits. According to TAG 24 News, Boebert sent Buttigieg a letter in June 2022, expressing her support for a grant to the South Bridge while promising to vote down the bill that contained the grant. Then, you didn’t support it. She must think we’re all as dumb as she is.

Boebert, who had the nerve to talk about MTG’s crassness, is just as crass if not more by writing that Buttigieg “must have missed the letter because he was out chest-feeding.” In Boebert’s holier than thou world, gay men shouldn’t be raising children. Money is on Buttigieg and his husband raising better children than Boebert’s criminal son. As the saying goes, people in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Let’s not even discuss the Beetlejuice incident, which shows she has questionable morals, while criticizing a happily married man with children. Boebert secured nothing for her district other than embarrassment from her behavior.

The Infrastructure Investments and Jobs Act is a signature piece of legislation from President Biden. It had nothing to do with a carpetbagging congresswoman who would do virtually anything to keep a seat with which she does nothing and that she does not deserve. Social media piled on Boebert as well, pointing out that she’s trying to take credit for the president’s work while simultaneously calling him “evil and corrupt.” Which is it, Boebert? They also correctly called her a bigot for her tacky comment to Pete Buttigieg. Regardless of anything else, Boebert did nothing to bring this bill to the light of day, let alone to provide funding in her district. Her constituents need to give thanks where they’re due: to President Joe Biden.

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