Donald Trump has crybaby meltdown

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Donald Trump is so far gone cognitively, he’s been sleeping through much of his criminal trial, and it’s still not clear whether he remembers who star witness Michael Cohen is. But by now even an addled Trump surely understands that he’s losing this trial, and that he’s very likely on track for criminal conviction (although he probably thinks he’s losing a reality show contest not a trial).

To that end, Trump is now getting very upset. Late on Monday night he posted this surreal crybaby meltdown: “Every serious Legal Expert and Scholar is unequivocally stating that the “prosecutors” have not come close to putting on a case, THERE IS NO CRIME, which means that the right thing to do is to END THIS SCAM NOW AND FOREVERMORE. It would be a Big, Bold, Beautiful, but Highly Unexpected, yet BRILLIANT, step toward Justice in New York, and our Nation as a whole!”

To be clear, no serious legal expert or scholar thinks that the prosecution has no case. In contrast, various legal experts have piled on about just how comprehensive the prosecution’s case is.

Trump’s people appear to have broken the news to him that the jury is very likely to convict him (or in his addled mind, vote him off the island). So it’s not surprising that Trump is now demanding that the judge throw the entire case out, as it would probably be Trump’s only way out of this.

But of course the judge is not going to dismiss the case, because why would he? All we’re left with is Trump crying in his soup and desperately fantasizing about some kind of magic carpet ride fantasy rescue that’s not coming.

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