Disastrous day for Donald Trump’s defense attorneys

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One knows Donald Trump’s criminal trial is going wrong when even CNN does not bother to both sides it. CNN’s Laura Coates was taken aback by the sheer ineptitude of the Trump defense team — a concern she did not hesitate to voice.

She said the Trump team seems to have “missed the boat” connecting the dots and casting doubt on Michael Cohen’s testimony. CNN’s Jake Tapper agreed. We agree, as well. The trial is winding down, and the consensus — EVEN FROM THE TELEVISION MEDIA — is that the Prosecution has proven its case.

Cohen was an excellent witness. The Trump team did try to push him repeatedly in the hope that he would break. No such thing ever happened. The Prosecution has rested its case. The jury will not get the case until after the holiday weekend, but it is looking good for the prosecution.

When the media is so stunned that they drop their dirty laundry, smirk for a minute, and forget to both sides, we know the case against Trump is solid. What was Donald Trump doing all this? Was the big bad wolf trying to intimidate? Was he huffing and puffing to blow the testimony down?

No. As the prosecution wrapped up, Donald Trump could be seen — sleeping. The outline of a grimy traitor with his eyes closed was in plain sight to those in the courtroom. Wake up, Trump. Your defense lawyers are failing miserably.

Nobody can claim they know what the verdict will be. I am not claiming that either. However, I think the prosecution has done an excellent job proving their case—which is what all competent attorneys want to do. Trump has done an excellent job at alienating the jury, sleeping through the most critical testimony of his miserable life and showing an image of Trump brain gone.

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