“Fast track to dementia”

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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The biggest story in politics continues to be Donald Trump’s worsening symptoms consistent with dementia. It’s a near-automatic disqualification for those voters who are in the middle. The biggest aggravation in politics is that the major media outlets have been severely under-covering and under-playing Trump’s cognitive decline.

The good news is that MSNBC allowed Stuart Stevens to go on the air and use the word “dementia” in reference to Trump:

We need more of this. Much more of this. Donald Trump is so far gone he doesn’t even know who’s who anymore. He’s speaking in nonsense words. He’s sleeping through his criminal trial, unaware of what’s even going on. The guy is a goner. If and when the media is finally willing to make a proper storyline out of Trump’s dementia, he’ll be a goner.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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