Oh come on, just admit it already

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Donald Trump tried to give a speech on Friday, but his teleprompter malfunctioned. So he went berserk about how much he hated the stage. Then he nearly fell over. Then he blamed the stage for it. Then he ranted for awhile about the people who built the stage. Then he told a state party chairman to ride the audience like a pony. And this was all Trump’s attempt at convincing everyone he’s not senile.

When are we going to admit that this guy is just a flat out goner? It’s bad enough that he’s sleeping through his criminal trial, and he definitely thinks Nikki Haley is Nancy Pelosi, and he probably thinks Michael Cohen is a DoorDash delivery guy who keeps refusing to bring the ice cream over to the defense table.

The real measure of Donald Trump’s worsening cognitive decline is that it’s gotten more severe than any jokes you can make about it. Trump really doesn’t seem to know who Cohen is anymore. He certainly doesn’t know what’s going on whenever he tries and fails to give a speech. Trump is so far gone that when the jury announces its guilty verdict next week, Trump is liable to start celebrating under the mistaken belief that the judge has just been convicted. This guy is just a goner.

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