Feeble Donald Trump confusedly reads nonsense from notepad to reporters after leaving courtroom

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After three days of testimony, it’s still not clear if Donald Trump even remembers who Michael Cohen is. Trump has spent much of this trial sleeping, zoning out, cursing under his breath, and/or looking at stacks of pictures that his attorneys gave him in order to keep him awake.

After Trump left the courtroom today, he approached reporters, and put on one of his most embarrassingly senile performances to date. Trump stood there and lifelessly read things from a notepad that someone had handed him. It turned out to be a series of quotes from right wing propaganda outlets about how innocent he is.

Trump’s halting monotone delivery suggested that he’d never seen what was on the notepad before, and that he didn’t understand what he was reading. It felt like Trump’s people fed him the notepad full of quotes just to raise his spirits. Trump clearly doesn’t understand what’s going on in this trial, but he probably got an emotional lift out of seeing positive quotes about himself.

Yet after CNN aired Trump’s pathetically confused performance, they and others went on to pretend that there was nothing particularly odd about it. You’d think the fact that Trump is fully senile would be a bigger story.

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