Bon voyage, Steve Bannon!

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Tuesday morning, dawned bright and clear for many. Tuesday dawned dark and ominous for Steve Bannon. This is because the one thing Bannon’s tried so desperately to avoid is now happening.

The DOJ has requested that the judge handling the case order Bannon to go directly to jail. Bannon tried. He really and truly did. He thought he passed go. In reality, he was struck on Park Place — only for him, it’s “park your ass in prison.”

Prosecutors told the judge that Bannon should begin his four-month prison sentence. “Consequently,” they wrote, “there is no longer a substantial question of law that is likely to result in a reversal or an order for a new trial.”

ABC contacted Bannon, and here is his statement: “I’m shocked they want to silence the voice of MAGA.” That is what he said. Pathetic, yes?

Steve Bannon must be shitting bricks. Despite the disheveled creep’s efforts to portray himself as bold and fearless, one knows he is likely trembling in his MAGA boots at the thought of being behind a cell even for one day, let alone four months.

But it appears prison really is creeping closer to Bannon. Personally, this writer thinks he belongs there. Prison is Bannon’s soulmate, his most loving and devoted partner. Steve Bannon and prison simply fit together, like two peas in a pod.

Indeed, prison is Bannon’s kindred spirit; after all, Prison has been waiting on Bannon, sweetly beckoning, for a while now. Prison promises to be Bannon’s most promising partner and helpmate if you will. Now that his appeal has been denied, there is no reason why he shouldn’t meet his soulmate in person VERY soon.

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