Feeble Donald Trump has embarrassing “icebox” meltdown

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Donald Trump has spent his criminal trial displaying one mentally incompetent form of behavior after another, whether it be sleeping through some of the most crucial parts of the trial, or cursing under his breath at a witness, or fist bumping another witness.

Trump is clearly agitated by everything that’s going on around him, and he’s unable to hide that agitation. For instance, after he sat lifeless for two days while his nemesis Michael Cohen testified against him, Trump went up to reporters and began ranting about… air conditioning:

That’s right, instead of focusing on Michael Cohen or his own defense strategy, or anything else, Trump is so far off into la la land that he’s using his limited bandwidth to melt down about how cold he is. This is like something out of an SNL sketch. But in reality Trump really is this far gone.

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