Eyes wide shut

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For months, weeks and days now, we have been subjected to the media narrative about what Trump will do when Michael Cohen testifies. He’s going to lose it, many exclaimed. Big nasty Trump will huff and puff and blow the house down. This did not happen. What DID happen was: Trump huffed, and he puffed and the effort was too much for him, and he — he — he — took a catnap.

Yep. Donald Trump sat there, eyes wide shut. The monster of the media’s relentless spin did not exist. Instead, the court saw a withered little orange salmon struggling to keep awake. It may be all the cannibalism talk from Saturday had tired him. Perhaps Trump couldn’t brush aside the sleep.

So yes, he said there as the witness destroyed him and started to doze as lawyers frantically fought the eyes wide shut, to keep him awake. “Little sleepyhead.” Sleeping beauty, he isn’t. But this shows just how poor Trump’s mental health is. I ask you this:

WHO on earth sleeps when they’ve reached the eye of the storm in their own criminal trial? Donald Trump does. Trump’s lawyers, desperate to keep the little pig from burning the courtroom oil, were forced to poke, prod, and show him pictures of crowds to keep him awake.

That makes sense as nothing warms Trump’s heart more than — himself. I suppose it could have been worse. They could have showered the little knucklehead with Hannibal Lecter videos. His eyes were just as shut as they’ve been to reality for years now — just as they’ve been to his own demise. So, as Trump caught up on his Zzzs, the criminal trial continued — utterly destroying him.

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