Donald Trump is “fast asleep” right now

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This morning I pointed out how remarkable it was that, even as Michael Cohen was giving devastating testimony against Donald Trump, Trump was sitting there like nothing was happening. Then Lawrence O’Donnell said that he could see Trump’s handlers feeding him photos of rally crowds to try to keep him awake and interested.

Now legal expert Norm Eisen just tweeted that Trump is currently asleep: “Its 2:24 PM ET and the GOP nominee for the presidency is fast asleep. In court. With his freedom & his campaign possibly on the line. The jury is wide awake however, as Michael Cohen continues his devastating testimony.”

Now that Trump is sleeping through the most important testimony against him in his criminal trial, we’ll see if the major media outlets bother to talk about it. In any case, it’s abundantly clear that Trump is simply a goner. The idea that Trump could be sleeping through something this important? It points to full blown dementia and worse.

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