Donald Trump’s psychotic break

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While Donald Trump was making a fool of himself on Saturday night, President Biden was reportedly giving a speech at a fundraiser in Seattle. Biden spoke out about Trump. What President Biden said is that it is clear that something “snapped” inside Trump when he lost the 2020 election.

“It’s clear that…when (Trump) lost in 2020, something snapped in him,” Biden said. “He’s not only obsessed with losing in 2020, he’s clearly unhinged. Just listen to what he’s telling people.” As usual, President Biden is right. Perhaps it was a psychotic break.

A psychotic break is “an episode of psychosis in which an individual loses touch with reality.” Sounds like Donald Trump to this writer. “It is characterized by disruptions in thought and perception, making it difficult to distinguish what’s real and what isn’t.” These words are from NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness).

Here are more examples of this type of break:

– Trouble thinking with logic.

– Paranoia.

– Uneasiness with others.

– Decline in personal hygiene.

– Thinking People on television are sending them particular messages.

– Withdrawing socially.

– Disruption of sleep.

– Difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy.

Sound like anyone we know? I’m not a psychologist, but Trump has more than half the symptoms listed here. Sadly for him, I doubt he’d ever see a psychologist and let himself be diagnosed. That would not feed the fantasy of strength and only tear away at the carefully maintained tower of denial surrounding him.

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