Dementia-riddled Donald Trump can’t even speak anymore

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Donald Trump’s campaign rally on Saturday was a jarring reminder of why his handlers very rarely let him hold rallies anymore. Trump couldn’t remember the difference between China and North Korea. At one point he admitted that he was simply up there “screaming like a lunatic.” But worst of all for Trump, he frequently can’t even speak anymore.

Trump had a thoroughly embarrassing moment where he said something that sounded like “Tarudite biray” – and then after realizing he was malfunctioning, he got frustrated and added “sipe.”

But the real icing on the cake came when Trump tried to make fun of other people for not speaking English, only to malfunction three seconds later and start spewing random syllables that also weren’t English:

Donald Trump can’t even speak when he tries to do something as simple and stress free as give a rally speech to adoring idiots. How’s he going to function when he tries to do a town hall and faces serious questions, or when he’s on a debate stage with an opponent? One way or the other, Trump isn’t going to make it.

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