“Tarudite biray sipe” – Donald Trump incoherently malfunctions during failed attempt at a rally speech

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Donald Trump’s babysitters finally allowed him to hold a campaign rally today, perhaps only out of concern for the growing headlines pointing out that he’s not even bothering to campaign on his days off from his trial. Unfortunately for Trump, he spent his rally speech reminding everyone of precisely why his handlers don’t want him out there.

At one point during Trump’s attempt at a rally speech today, he claimed that Beijing is an oceanfront city in North Korea. But it’s not just his memory problems and confusion. His mind keeps malfunctioning so badly, he ends up making up imaginary words:

That’s right, a guy who claims to be a candidate for President of the United States just got up in front of a crowd and announced “tarudite biray sipe.” He’s that far gone. And it’ll only get worse.

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