Race to the bottom

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The other night, I had difficulty sleeping. Thought whizzed over the train track, which was my brain. I was thinking that adults should set examples. Do you not agree? Adults are the keepers of morality, the ones young children and teenagers watch copiously, educating themselves on behavior they might one day mimic.

That is part of why the current state of the GOP saddens me so very much. They do not act like adults, my friends. They are children in adult bodies, and that’s how they act.

Case in point: Huffington Post has an article about the depths of the bottom of barrels and the new lows that Trump’s VP finalists are hitting. It isn’t a pretty picture.

Right now, these children are engaged in a race of who can be as sleazy, as virulent of all. It’s a tough call. Let’s take a good, hard look at these children, children creepier than any horror book creation.

Tim Scott is trying desperately to get Trump to pick him by refusing to say he’d accept the election results if anyone other than Trump won. The dark forces of the Trump curse have hit Scott alright.

Then there is JD Vance and Marco Rubio. Both continue to downplay the January 6 insurrection and also minimize whether Mike Pence was ever in danger.

“It’s a cult.” These words are from Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, a good and honest man whose qualities are sorely lacking in the GOP these days.

Senator Mitt Romney was asked why anyone would even WANT to be Trump’s Veep. Romney said that anyone on the VP roster will do ANYTHING Trump asks. “Would they volunteer to put their heads into a loop?” the reporter asked. Romney didn’t hold back. “Absolutely,” he responded.

They want it, readers. One can feel how much they want it. They have ALWAYS wanted it. Power. They will never get it. Little Marco could not even look the Parkland school shooting survivors in the eye on the stage and commit to not taking dirty NRA money. In many ways, he is a perfect choice for a criminal who will never be president again.

Scott. Just a few years ago, Scott worked across the aisle with Democrats. Now, he has morphed into a faux-angry, rotten, alienated MAGA impersonator, voice dripping with little other than resentment.

JD Vance’s fall is perhaps the saddest. Vance once had a solid career ahead of him, one founded on honesty. He is now the walking, talking Dorian Gray of this article and of the GOP, a real-life Sycophantic blowup doll of MAGA enabling.

Noem? Well, we saw what she did. Luckily, she also destroyed herself. There is no political future for the doggy killer.

Stefanik. This one is a robot programmed with Trump-approved hate. Like all the others on this list, she sold her soul. But at what cost? This is the list of sorrowful Trump-op-athy enablers, people willing to support what they know is wrong, all in the name of a job.

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