“Pay up!”

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Donald Trump is choosing to have a rally in Wildwood, New Jersey. That’s likely because he is being kept on a short leash. However, this rally, which will not give him one new vote, came with a price — literally.

The Trump team was told to pay up BEFORE the rally because he stiffed the same venue the last time he appeared. “Pay ahead of time.” Indeed. Since Trump never met a venue he was not fond of skipping out on, folks are understandably wary.

Lisa Gafan of Wildwood has confirmed this story. She is the public information officer there. She also said they are working in tandem with the Trump team and that the Trump team, this time, has paid ahead of time.

Wise actions. Donald Trump is a pint-sized thief in the night, known to happily steal away from any of his debtors, as he appears to think this is his due. It’s not. After a rally at this same venue in 2020, trump left without paying, leaving a giant debt of $33,900.

Federal campaign finance records do not show any payment was made. So this time, the venue covered itself. Really, with someone like Donald Trump, who undoubtedly came shrieking out of the womb, baby brain already spinning with newly born grift, it is the only way one can ever be assured of receiving payment.

NJ.COM reports that the Trump team already paid $54,200 for safety and cleanliness for rally. Cleanup’s important as MAGA does tend to make messes wherever they decide to park their insurrectionist asses for the night.

So basically, this time, it is Trump who got stuck–paying a great deal of money to speak in a venue that is NOT filled with red or purple state voters, a place that will not net him any new votes, and a place that is mighty close by to New York which makes sense because Trump looks and is acting tired.

New Jersey’s better than no rally at all, I suppose. His next rally perhaps will be in New York City, where he’ll be booed off the stage..

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