Donald Trump is headed for a “massive complex of horror”

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“Terra incognita!” That means unknown or unexplored territory. Those words come from James Oleson, a Criminology Professor. He weighed in on what Trump might experience in prison, if it comes to that. Indeed, many are weighing in. The verdict? Misery as charged.

Trump would be in solitary. He’d be in a “little cell.” The Secret Service would play an integral role. The Secret Service would “look at everything that could potentially come in contact with Trump, including staff and even the food that could be presented to him.”

If he violates his gag order again (he will), he could be housed at Rikers, which is known for having some of the worst prison conditions. But it could also be a holding cell adjacent to the courtroom in New York that could make Trump’s acquaintance.

That would be no picnic either, as the cell in question would be “claustrophobic, with one tiny window at most and a large metal door that slams shut with a mighty clank.” They have a toilet, a bench, and nothing else.

Then there is Rikers. “It’s such a giant, sprawling, falling down, massive complex of horror,” veteran New York defense lawyer Ronald Kuby says. Rikers sounds like the perfect place for him to this writer. But everyone speaking out about Trump’s possible relocation to prison agrees on one thing. He’d hate it.

Right now, Trump is keeping blissfully silent. I doubt that will last forever, oh no. Prison — and especially Rikers — are his sword of Damocles hanging over him with every insane Truth Social post he makes.

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