Donald Trump just unwittingly handed the Democrats a big gift – and they’re about to cash it in

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Donald Trump is as corrupt as ever, but he’s also something else these days: cartoonishly inept at trying to carry out his corruption. For instance we just saw him try to buy Allen Weisselberg’s silence in a way that could directly result in Weisselberg testifying in his current criminal trial. But Trump is also out there masquerading as a political candidate, and he’s being cartoonishly inept at that as well.

For instance Trump recently sought a billion dollars from oil industry executives while promising to give them whatever they want. These kinds of corrupt bargains work when we don’t read about them. That means the people doing the dirty deeds have managed to keep their secret deal a secret. The fact that we’re reading about this corrupt deal, before it’s even had a chance to go down, is a whole other story.

Trump really couldn’t figure out how to cut this kind of deal and keep it a secret? Just how bad at this is he these days? Did he mistakenly blab about it after getting his hairdresser confused with his lawyer? He does keep getting the people in his life confused for each other.

In any case, because this has become public in real time, it’s now officially a gift for the Democrats. More importantly, the Democrats have decided to cash in on this gift. The Senate Budget Committee, which is majority controlled by Democrats, is planning to investigate this Trump – oil industry corrupt deal.

These kinds of probes require time for investigation and document collection and such before they get to the public hearing phase. But you can bet that, as the 2024 election is hitting its peak, Senate Democrats are going to hold hearings on how Donald Trump is trying to sell out American consumers to Big Oil in exchange for corrupt personal gain.

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