Trump stooge Peter Navarro is scared silly

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This story is about a specific individual, Peter Navarro, and his current situation in prison. It’s a tale of Karma, and boy,oh boy, is it beautiful. As you know, Karma has a pesky habit of appearing at the most inopportune times. When that happens, the results for the one for whom Karma makes itself known can be terrible.

Peter Navarro. Let’s take a moment to remember him, dear readers. Navarro, a man who finds himself serving a prison sentence, is not exactly thriving within the gray walls of his new home. We know this because Navarro has led a request for emergency release.

Why is this not a surprise? “Scared silly.” Some things from the filing: “Dr. Navarro’s term of imprisonment has been marred by the same political turmoil that gave rise to his prosecution.”

Did Peter write this himself? I ask because the drama just oozes forth from the page. “He has been denied the opportunity to speak with both the press as well as a member of Congress.”

The reason for denying Navarro’s meeting with the press, the filing states, is that Peter’s just too notorious. NOTORIOUS? Navarro is asking that he be released and allowed to serve the remainder of his time on supervised release.

It’s clear that Navarro is not enjoying his time in prison. However, it’s important to remember the gravity of his actions and the consequences for said actions. Did he think prison was going to be a walk in the park? It’s crucial to keep our expectations realistic, Navarro.

So far, Navarro’s attempts at getting out of his sentence have failed. At this point he’s a drowning man in search of a lifeboat. Perhaps he should just shut up and do the time. After all, he’s due to be let out in July. That’s just a couple more months.

But it seems Peter feels his conditions are so grim he just can’t wait. He may have to, though, as I doubt this filing will go anywhere.

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