Donald Trump is playing games behind the scenes

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Just when you think Donald Trump cannot possibly get more corrupt, someone does a piece on him that shows that his corruption knows no bounds. In its recent piece, the Atlantic explained why people initially thought Trump would be good for the country. Because he was allegedly a billionaire, people thought he would be immune to wealthy donors who expect something back for their large donations. It makes sense when you think about it. The problem was and is that Trump isn’t as rich as he claims, and he’s simply corrupt through and through.

According to Washington Post, at a recent meeting at Mar-a-Lago, Trump promised a group of oil executives that if they scratch his back, he will scratch theirs when (if) he gets back into the White House. He told them that if they raised $1 billion to return him to the White House, he would immediately reverse Biden’s environmental rules and policies and would further ensure that no new environmental laws come to pass. Trump told them that giving him $1 billion “would be a deal” because they would also avoid taxes and regulations all thanks to him. WaPo used the word “stunned” to describe the reactions of several executives, indicating that one of them spilled the proverbial beans.

One of the biggest differences between President Biden and Trump-and there are many-is Biden’s reliance on science. Science has been warning us about global warming for years. People like Trump ignore it, especially if it means money. Perhaps he thinks he will be long gone before the worst hits us, but he has children. Trump’s only concerns are money and power. He doesn’t even care if the world is still around for his own children. President Biden wants to help people, not hurt them. With virtually everything he does, he has us in mind. He’s a good man, trying to do good in the world. We don’t need his antithesis in office. We will never be in Trump’s thoughts; he only thinks of himself. We will never be protected by Donald Trump; he only protects himself. Is this what people want in a leader?

The Atlantic called Trump’s action “entirely legal and absolutely corrupt.” The magazine wanted to put this information in the public eye so that people can learn to look at every aspect of Trump as a candidate. Promising favors to people for money is despicable, and that sort of behavior does not deserve a position of power to change laws. While Trump and his cronies may think they know what’s best for all of us, they don’t even give us the opportunity to contribute by holding these meetings behind closed doors. Kudos to the Atlantic and Washington Post for bringing this vile information to light. As the Atlantic said, Trump is “arguably worse” than other politicians who use these methods to gain entrance to the highest office in the land. Should he be elected, Trump will do nothing for anyone but himself. For this and reasons too numerous to name, Trump cannot be allowed to resume the presidency.

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