Donald Trump’s worsening dementia revealed

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In the courtroom, on social media, and in the few rally speeches that his handlers still allow him to do, Donald Trump keeps displaying more and more severe symptoms consistent with dementia. If you don’t want to take our word for it, just ask a medical professional.

Dr. Suzanne Lachmann has examined Trump’s recent remarks about Gettysburg, and she concluded that it was an “example of what happens as dementia progresses when no one is permitted to step in and redirect him. What resulted was a speech that quickly devolved into an incoherent, disorganized representation of events fraught with loose associations as well as as an inability to control impulses.”

It’s important to understand that everything we’re now seeing from Donald Trump is consistent with worsening dementia. Severe dementia patients often lose track of what they were saying mid sentence, and can’t figure out what’s going on, or where they’re at, or why they’re there, or who anyone is. They need constant help in order to stay on any sort of track – and since Trump isn’t getting that, he’s simply floundering.

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