Something is MAGA in the state of NBC

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The instantaneous outrage generated over NBC’s hiring of election-denying MAGA stooge Ronna McDaniel ended with McDaniel being fired and the network being disgraced. The former RNC chair lasted all but half a Scaramucci as a newly minted NBC commentator. The net economic and reputational effect for the network at first was that NBC incurred a play-or-pay penalty of half a million dollars and a considerable black mark against its brand by hiring a disgusting fool like McDaniel in the first place.

That’s all bad enough. Then it got worse. Puck News has since uncovered that senior management at NBC actually anticipated the controversy, and instead of doing the sensible thing and bailing on a staggeringly stupid decision to hire McDaniel in the first place, they worked with McDaniel’s chief of staff to stir up a pro-MAGA, anti-Democratic social media groundswell against Chuck Todd, Jen Psaki and their daughter organisation MSNBC.

In other words, NBC colluded with MAGA Republicans against the ideals of sane and fair journalism in the name of the anticipated profit they hoped to realise from hiring a figure of outrageous controversy. This disgusting revelation has blurred what used to be clear edges between the forces of responsible reporting and the terrorist press, such as Fox News, OAN and Newsmax.

This is what happens when the cancer of bothsidesism metastasises in the mainstream media. Puck News uncovered this plot between NBC News Chairman Cesar Conde, NBC Vice President Carrie Budoff Brown and the forces of evil in MAGAland. It remains to be seen what will happen to these two very senior members of NBC management. They should be instantly dismissed, and the rest of NBC upper management should be fumigated, inoculated and purged by a fire the temperature of burning jet fuel. We shall see what happens.

But the very idea that anyone anywhere would hire an idiot like Ronna McDaniel for any job more complicated than Pencil Sharpener is mind-blowing all by itself. What were they thinking? Perhaps “thinking” is too generous a word. McDaniel actually changed her name for Donald Trump. She used to go by her full name, Ronna Romney McDaniel, but because her lord and master Trump hates Mitt Romney, McDaniel’s uncle, Ronna obeyed with instant, glassy-eyed piety and removed her middle name.

Before she was summarily booted from the RNC so Donald Trump could replace her with his daughter-in-law, and convert the Committee into his personal piggy bank, McDaniel served the forces of treason by lending “official” GOP sanction to election denialism. She was prepared to carry her nauseating sickness all the way into NBC as a “balancing” commentator for the “other side.” She was a stupid, stupid, stupid choice. Her uncle Mitt would have been a bad choice. She would have been an unparalleled disaster.

That NBC would contemplate so idiotic a caper underscores how infected by MAGA treachery society in general has become. The spirit of treason is so commonplace these days it’s becoming normalised. This is a thing we should all fight against. MAGA should be as odious to us today as the Nazis should have been to 1930s Germany. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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