“Speaker” Mike Johnson reaches the begging and pleading stage of his downfall

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Such crazy people are sometimes drawn into politics! When it comes to Capitol Hill, we’ve seen it ALL. We’ve witnessed every bizarre type of person, every idiosyncrasy, act of dysfunction and chaos. So it should really come as no surprise to ANYBODY that Republicans in the House have a brand spanking new problem on their hands.

It’s rather a simple problem in nature, but that’s the trouble with Republicans. Even the tiniest of problems turn out to be huge scandals in the GOP House caucus. That’s because the House GOP is possibly THE most dysfunctional group of people ever seen on Capitol Hill.

Take, for example, Mike Johnson. Johnson has shown us the newest version of himself — the begging one. It is being reported that Johnson is literally BEGGING House Republicans to quit campaigning against some of their other own members.

You see, primaries are going on–and some in the House are helping the ones LAUNCHING the primaries AGAINST the current House members. It’s every man or woman for themselves in this insane vortex we call a Caucus. Pleeeeseee, Johnson is reportedly pleading. Stop it. Don’t do this! Please, no!

Alas, it appears the halls of Crazy are not listening to him. Matt Gaetz even mocked him about it, and when Gaetz mocks someone, well, one knows there are big problems. South Carolina. Texas. Virginia. Lots of primaries going on but some House members are supporting the CHALLENGERS rather than the Caucus members.

This, of course, is leading to disorder and chaos, the only things it would seem Republicans know how to do well. Johnson actually WENT on CNN to say he’s pleaded with them to “cool it.”

“I am vehemently opposed to member-on-member action in primaries because it’s not productive.”

That’ll tell em Mike! What Johnson does not seem to get nor to understand is that he is dealing with the chaos caucus. If Any of these agents of chaos heard Johnson’s words all it would do is inflame them to act out more, because these folks can’t exist without chaos, drama and shock tactics.

“Knock it off,” Johnson offered unhelpfully. This is a bad time to be having this feud anyway since the House majority is literally hanging by a thread. The more House members fight among themselves, the more pissed the rational actors are going to get. And the more pissed they get, the more bailing out of the crazy Caucus is going to appeal to them just like it did to Ken Buck.

Nebraska Rep. Don Bacon said the mood inside the Caucus is “depressing.” He also called for his Caucus to do some soul-searching. That’s all well and good, but one can’t search what one doesn’t have.

These people don’t have souls, at least not souls such as you and I do. Their souls are plastic doll souls, fake, wooden, and lifeless, only coming to life when the strings of hate and antipathy are pulled. Johnson clearly has no idea, just WHO the people in his Caucus ARE. But we do. That’s why Coke November, the House will be back in the hands of Democrats.

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