Donald Trump’s GoFundMe bailout pipe dream just got shattered

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Back when Donald Trump was merely running up legal tabs like his initial $5 million E. Jean Carroll verdict and the associated lawyers’ fees, Trump was seemingly able to bail himself out with donations from his base. But then the numbers started getting way too large for Trump to merely rob his campaign’s piggy bank or his gullible supporters’ wallets.

Then Trump got his with a $83 million verdict in the second E. Jean Carroll trial, followed by a roughly half billion dollar verdict in his civil fraud trial (including interest, and the numbers got away from him. After the fraud verdict came down, Trump’s supporters started a GoFundMe aimed at bailing him out.

This set off immediate questions about whether GoFundMe terms of service even allow such a thing. But even that aside, in the first 24 hours, the GoFundMe has only raised $84,000. That’s out of half a billion dollars that Trump owes. That’s about 0.01% of the money that Trump would need in order to pay off these verdicts.

In other words, the notion of Donald Trump being bailed out by his base is nothing more than a pipe dream. It was never going anywhere, and now everyone can see it. Trump is simply hosed.

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