The downfall of the Republican House

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer

When two sides are fighting a war, and one side keeps notching up victory after victory, one would think the losing side would take notice and start to do some serious self-reflection.

Alas, the side I’m about to speak of needs to learn what self-reflection is. This is, of course, the GOP. We can also refer to them as the side that keeps getting their collective asses kicked — again and again and again.

On Tuesday night, our candidate won in a blowout. He won, and he won as all our candidates are doing. The message, of course, is — something is wrong. Something is very wrong with the GOP.

Everyone can see it. Well — ALMOST, everyone can see it. The GOP seem frighteningly obtuse. In the aftermath of one of the worst whoopings Republicans have ever had, they are blaming — the fact that they did the right thing.

Now, Republicans almost never do the right thing. But they DID expel George Santos from Congress. That is what they’re upset about. Some Republicans think they should have let the con artist stay. That is the lesson they’ve learned. I’ve heard of Monday morning quarterbacking, but this is ridiculous.

Furious Republicans are finger-pointing and playing their blame game, saying their loss is the direct fault of any Republican who wanted Santos expelled. Many in the GOP think they should have let him stay.

So — in other words — the lesson the GOP learned is — why weren’t we MORE dishonest? Others blame the candidate herself, saying she was “hiding out from the media” and not in public view enough.

This blame game is quite amusing, but it’s also sad because it shows the GOP — as usual — has learned nothing. The fact is we won because we CARE. We showed we care with a platform. We put up a quality candidate whose life’s dream is not to run around serving Donald Trump but to help the American people.

I am sure voters in this district were quite angry at the GOP. I’d be if I lived there. Not only did the GOP fail to vet Santos, but they also put forth a candidate with no vision, a candidate who could not answer directly whether she supported abortion rights, a candidate who made it clear HER first loyalty was to the republican establishment and Donald Trump, not to her voters.

We also won because we did the hard work. We are hungry, motivated, and know what it takes. So, Republicans, spare me your Monday misery.

You all are like chickens; you ARE tiny mad chickens, walking in circles of stupidity, refusing to stop your damn clucking, whining about this and that, when in reality, you could start turning things around by telling the faded, orange traitor you all can’t seem to live without, to F’ Off. That’s right, GOP. Step up to the plate and tell him to take a hike. You will not, of course. That’s why you have many more political losses to look forward to.

Dear Palmer Report readers, this is an uncertain time so I'm asking for your help. If you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 – whatever matches your budget – to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help a lot. Thank you so much. Contribute here. Much thanks, Bill Palmer