Donald Trump has lost his mojo

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Donald Trump is probably not happy with what people are saying about him. What they’re saying is that Trump has lost his Mojo (I say he never HAD any Mojo to lose). But all over social media, giggles and guffaws are being heard. People are saying Trump’s Mojo took a walk and never came back.

Trump managed to make it into snowy Iowa and did an event. It was that event that people were commenting on. New York Times reporter Maggie Haberman did a report on this piddling get-together. There was hardly anyone there.

Now that COULD be because of the weather. Des Moines, like the rest of Iowa, is experiencing some nasty weather right now. But what of loyalty? I thought Trump’s base was SO loyal. After all — that is what he and his circle of misfits keep telling us.

One person said: “Trump team actually can’t get any kind of crowd out for an event.” Could it be true? Has Trump’s Mojo decided to leave him at this critical moment in his Iowa campaign? Perhaps.

However, although this story, on the surface appears to be about Trump, that’s only half the story. It’s only half because there is someone ELSE whose Mojo is rising faster than baking bread. That someone is Dark Brandon.

Dark Brandon is cleaning up. Dark Brandon is pulling ahead in a lot of states. Dark Brandon is going to be a big part of President Biden’s campaign. Dark Brandon is where Mojo goes to soar, to fly, to inspire.

Dark Brandon is a wise, hip man, clad in black, an onyx statue, who wears his Mojo as if he were born with it, which frankly he was. He can also on occasion, be a bit mischievous as he has been later, calling out Donald Trump. When you take two people, put them in a race, and only one has Mojo — Mojo that rises every hour of every day — one can expect great things to happen.

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