Nikki Haley crashes and burns

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

What is one of the worst things that could happen to a politician? How about being told off by a fourth grader? This is precisely what happened to Nikki Haley. It’s difficult to emphasize just how deeply Haley hurt herself with that Civil War comment. Haley had seen modest poll gains- certainly nothing like some pundits said. But all things considered, she wasn’t doing a TERRIBLE job — until the real Haley reared her head.

She could not answer a question many four-year-old’s can answer; but that wasn’t the only flub. It was the LOOK on her face. That look of horror, as if she’d just been asked something terrible — spoke volumes.

On Thursday, a nine-year-old boy was quick to tell Haley she had lots to make up for: “Chris Christie thinks you’re a flip-flopper on the Donald Trump issue.” Oh boy, was this not what Haley wanted to hear. “How can you change your opinion like that in just eight years, and will you pardon Donald Trump?”

New Hampshire is known to be an extremely well-educated state. And so, of course, it produced one of the most eloquently stated questions — and from a child! Haley answered that she would seriously consider pardoning Donald Trump. It was quite a moment.

Haley desperately wants to be the heir apparent in the GOP Presidential race. It’s not going to happen. Some say her answer may hand her more votes. After all –, it seems Maga would like her answer, no?

Maybe. But the thing is, Haley does not appear to realize that not every crowd she has gone before is MAGA. There are independents, moderates, and plenty of people who are NOT Maga and still are or who lean Republican.

With her cringing expressions and looking like a panicked deer in headlights, Haley cannot nab these votes with empty platitudes and weak statements that mean nothing. New Hampshire Republicans are nothing like South Carolina Republicans. Not every Republican is alike.

The pundits are having a field day with Haley. Since her remarks, nearly every television segment I’ve seen has included Haley and that cringe-worthy moment. And I find it sad — so sad. Believe it or not, I WANT to see bravery from some Republicans. We NEED a two-party system.

But I look around, gaze falling on Republican after Republican, and all I see is — fear and avoidance. Where is the bravery of John McCain?? Where is your courage, Republicans? Where IS it? Donald Trump has snatched it from them. He was the shark that attacked their courage, eyes glinting as he made off with every bit of republican boldness and honor.

But why aren’t they trying to get it back? Have they not realized that a politician without courage is like a tree devoid of leaves? Have they yet to realize that no politician has a chance to make their mark without it? I know they do not realize that. Haley sure doesn’t. I doubt most of them ever will.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.