It’s like playing whack-a-mole at this point

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This holiday season, I put up the Christmas tree early, even before Thanksgiving. I was the third of my friends to do so, and others have now put their trees up too. As I travelled over Thanksgiving to Annapolis, I noticed football on all the public TVs, instead of the usual Fox News in the predominantly military area. It seems we’re all trying to escape the doomsday media through holiday cheer, and football.

Speaking of football, the quarterback of right-wing extremists, Russia’s President Putin, continues running his dirty playbook, sending Hail Mary passes wherever he sees an opening, taking advantage of economic or cultural weaknesses to change the momentum of the game. Most recently, in Argentina and the Netherlands, a chainsaw wielding whacko and charismatic charlatan, respectively, won their elections. These guys are like villainous Trump parodies. But as with Australia, Brazil, Poland, and even Israel, the citizens will whack them back down into their holes with their votes.

In the United States, the Democratic party’s offense brought voters out to tackle Republicans in all the crucial general and special elections since 2016, and our defense, even with a slim majority in the Senate and the minority in the House, has run interference keeping the right from gaining ground. Our quarterback, President Biden, has outplayed Putin, holding off his criminal incursion into Ukraine, and his deadly scrimmage in Israel. Even under pressure, Biden finessed a temporary cease fire in Israel and a preliminary release of hostages by Hamas.

Biden and his team continue to dominate, anticipating every move in the Russian quarterback’s tattered playbook, keeping an eye on the ball, and having the best special teams units to the kick game-saving field goals. When the ball is in our court, even against the evilest quarterback sneak, democrats have converted.

Yes, I know, those are a lot of mixed metaphors. But the rules of the game have changed. The goal posts keep moving, some of the refs are paid off, including those in the highest court in the land. But with teamwork, and our votes, we will remain champions of the world.

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