Donald Trump just lost AGAIN

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Donald Trump has lost his request for a mistrial in his fraud case in New York. The Judge in this case, Arthur Engoron, refused the request and defended his impartiality in the four-page ruling, saying he can preside over the case “fairly, impartially and professionally.”

It’s just another loss in a string of them for Donald Trump. Could he have thought his bid for a mistrial would work? In his filing, Donald Trump had accused the Judge of bias as well as saying the same about the Judge’s law clerk, whom Trump and his team have not stopped disrespecting since the trial started.

But the Judge was not buying it and denied the mistrial motion as we knew he would. I imagine this news does not make the orange criminal happy. But what did he expect? This Judge will not molly-coddle him as his legal team does. Even a simpleton like Donald Trump must know that.

In his ruling against the request, the Judge said Trump’s arguments were completely “without merit.” Indeed it WAS without merit. When does anything Trump does have merit? It seems to me, that the only people Trump and his team think are without bias, are Maga. Everyone else, in Trump’s twisted little brain, has their own agenda.

But Engoron has shown himself to be tough as nails and is not the type to be intimidated by Donald Trump. That’s Trump’s problem. He thinks he can intimidate Judges the way he’s intimidated everyone ELSE in his life. It didn’t work, isn’t working, and won’t work. He should just give up now.

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