Turns out that new poll showing Trump beating Biden was indeed full of crap

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“C’ MON!!” This is the response from Political scientist Larry Sabato, who appears to think the new “poll” from the NY Times claiming Trump would win in a landslide is not with the paper its printed on.

Sabato appeared on CNN on Sunday and actually laughed his head off at this “poll.” One thing Sabato singled out in this “poll” is the results saying Trump had black voters at 22 percent. Sabato appeared incredulous and scoffed at the results.

“I’m not allowed to bet on elections,” he said, “But I sure wish I was because I would love to bet multiple people that the black vote for Trump in the end will be somewhere between 8 and 13 percent max.”

“Twenty-two percent? C’mon,” he laughed. “I mean, it really causes you to question how representative this poll is of what’s going to happen.” Alas, this poll is getting many reactions like this. And I have my own response. The poll is Junk.

I read the whole article, and several things disturbed me about it. First off, is that the whole article, which I will not link to, does not sound like the results of a poll but like a personal cheer for Donald John Trump. There is no way to describe this article other than fawning over Trump and cold as ice toward Biden
Don’t believe me? How about this? Through the article, President Biden is not even referred to as “President.” Instead he is given the name of “Mr. Biden.” Insulting, disrespectful, and telling. Here are a few examples:

“Voters under 30 favor Mr. Biden by only a single percentage point.” (Right.)

That right there shows you this poll is an outlier.

“Voters said they trusted Mr. Trump over Mr. Biden on the economy.”

There is something very disturbing about this poll — not just the results but the almost contemptuous way the writers refer to our PRESIDENT as “Mr. Biden.”

It’s also come to light that almost 20 percent of respondents did not vote in the last election. That is alarming and tells us that likely voters obviously are not a big concern for these poll makers.

Making matters worse for the Times, they actually interviewed people who did not like Biden and printed the words of these responses. Yet no Biden supporters were interviewed, nobody spoke against Trump, and the message the Times seemed to want to give is that they’re all in on Trump.

It’s an outrage. But it does show the perilous results when poll makers release junk polls. Don’t pay any attention to it. Because what that is, is not a poll. It is fake news and THAT is something we want no part of.

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