Matt Gaetz just stepped in it

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Matt Gaetz drafted a resolution to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker but then he left it in the bathroom and a reporter found it. Once again, the consistent theme with Republicans these days is inept incompetence. In addition to everything else, they’re simply idiots.

It’s possible Gaetz did this on purpose, under the belief that it was a “clever” way of leaking it to the media. But if so, this is even dumber than if he did it by mistake. The headline isn’t going to be that he drafted the resolution to vacate. The headline is going to be that he left it in the bathroom.

If you want the headline to be that you’re prepared to remove the Speaker, you tell a reporter that he can have the document on the condition that he doesn’t say where he got it from. Then you get the headline you want. If Gaetz was trying to be clever, then he blew it.

The alternative is that Gaetz left this important document in the bathroom by mistake. That’s, right, the best case scenario for him would be that he mistakenly left one of the most important documents he’s ever drafted in the bathroom.

Either way Gaetz is an idiot – and his idiocy is often compounded by the fact that he mistakenly thinks he’s clever. Nearly every story involving House Republicans these days centers around that same consistent theme: they’re cartoonishly inept idiots.

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