Donald Trump is taking the GOP down with him

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Donald Trump, who lost two elections by a combined ten million votes and then got indicted on 91 felony charges, is now claiming he’s “taught Republicans how to win.” If this is what Republicans now think winning is, they’re welcome to keep on “winning” like this for awhile.

The cold hard reality is that Trump never really had any idea what he was doing in politics. He was up against a historically weak 2016 Republican primary field (every single candidate from that Republican field is now looked back upon as having always been a hapless punchline), and won by default.

Then Trump ran such an inept general election campaign that even with the entire media hyping a phony “Hillary’s emails” story, and the Kremlin running interference on his behalf, Trump still lost the general election by three million votes.

Then in 2020, Trump abused the power of the presidency to try to rig the election in his favor, and he still lost it by seven million votes. Then he got himself indicted for his failed attempts, and now he’s headed to prison for the rest of his life.

This is what the Republican Party now thinks winning looks like? His scant “successes” in politics have been for reasons that had nothing to do with him, and his many failures in politics have been on a historic, catastrophic level. If the Republicans truly think they can win by following the Trump model, they might never win anything again.

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